Director of Biomechanics and Sports Science, The Golfing Machine,LLC
Those of us who share a passion for Mr. Kelley’ research and a boundless curiosity about his entire catalog of techniques and components most certainly, and with great frequency, regularly strive to study every bit of the information in The Golfing Machine text to further extract objective scientific constructs and insights from his “yellow book “. Joe Daniels, GSED and I can both emphatically state that this is a true passion and great source of fulfillment for us.
In this process each of us seeks to increase both our knowledge as well as our ability to be more proficient in our execution skill. For those reading this commentary who are also teaching professionals, there is an added goal of being able to effectively communicate the concepts in a relevant manner in a modern 21st century world to today’s golf student. Our 21st century golf world is filled with technology, smart phones, apps, and high tech gadgets that are a part of our everyday lesson plan “tools” that may be utilized as part of the overall lesson plan design.