A Closer Look
The Tent Model™
The Tent Model™ provides a diagnostic method or tool by which a trained observer may make comparative observations pertaining to any aspect of the golfer’s static or dynamic poses so that specific biomechanical patterns of deviation from required golf science technique routes or ideal TGM G.O.L.F. pathways may be determined for the express purpose of developing appropriate multi-dimensional instruction and performance parameters specific to the participant golfer. This model or representation will appear different or with slight variations of design because of the unique physical make-up of each golfer participant. Yet the three oblique planes of reference and all associated structural components of the “tent” are present including of course the base of support.The golfer in the TGM adjusted address position is not starting golf activities in the neutral or primary anatomical position. Nor is the golfer in a fundamental position. Therefore, the process of naming joint actions and muscle actions commences upon placement or setting of the golfer into a “standardized” static adjusted address pose which we will denote as: the Golf Baseline Position™ or GBP™. All biomechanical empirical references about the X, Y, Z spatial location of the muscle and skeletal framework with-in a TGM diagnostic matrix will be observed, defined, and named relative to the GBP™.
What specifically is the GBP™? The oblique or the diagonal planar shift that the golfer comports the body to because of the required set-up adjustment needed to comply with the fixed engineering structural design of the golf club. It’s lie angle, length, and other features described in the TGM text cause its plane of orientation to be in a diagonal or oblique plane so the golfer must adapt pose to be in complement compatibility with the golf club.
Thus, the orientation of these planes are now angled to format to the GBP’s™ new central median axis. The original standing anatomical position produces the three cardinal planes’ orientation perpendicular to the ground. However, the GBP™ presentation results in the creation of new oblique planes that are now in a diagonal relationship to the ground and are also in alignment with the GBP’s™ pose changes. The lie angle of the golf club creates the GBP™ pose requirements. The GBP’s™ primary new central axis diagonal orientation is the result of appendicular activity at the hip, knee and ankle joints. This is clearly visible from a lateral view. The Tent Model™ represents each oblique plane of reference as a triangle rather than a rectangle which creates the “look” of the entire structure.
The Tent Model™ is formulated as the Golf Baseline Position™ (a performance based standard position of reference for golf like anatomical position) is constructed by the participant when the TGM 8-3 Adjusted Address Position is established. Thus, the Tent Model™ permits performance analysis of the golfer participant’s biomechanical operational system so that areas of dysfunction can be identified relative to joint action(s), muscle(s), and oblique plane of motion. BIA™ performance analysis is conducted after all TGM technique analysis is concluded. Relationships and connections between technique errors of execution and biomechanical dysfunctions can be conducted for optimal TGM-BIA™ Fusion Program design.
Source: Biomechanical Integration Approach™: Level One Text