Director of Biomechanics and Sports Science, The Golfing Machine, LLC
What is “a way” in which we may describe the presence of desired performance display of a stroke pattern execution?
This author offers the following derived definition as a starting point for academic discussion and consideration:
Evidence of desired performance competency is present when the body’s display of motion is in a state of harmony with the science of the sport of participation.
When the body moves in harmony with the science of G.O.L.F. requirements, displayed performance:
• Is fluid
• Is well orchestrated and coordinated
• Has an economy of movement with efficient and effective sequencing and synchronization
• Expresses itself in congruence with the pre-selected technical components and procedures
• Produces the desired geometrical alignments as well as the desired harnessing and expression of forces
• Alignment utilization is executed with desired Rhythm producing “Right” Timing (6-F-1)
• Ball Behavior Display conforms to all required and desired goals
Technique and performance instruction is a fusion of G.O.L.F. and BIA™ principles. This “fusion” approach offers a system of educational distinction, which may provide, a vastly diverse as well as effective "catalog" of instructional programming protocols, for a wide range of aspiring student golfers. If we as Authorized Instructors can succinctly and accurately communicate to our students what a useful definition of, as well as a key goal for optimal performance display is, we can convey our readiness and expertise of capability to offer highly proficient lesson programming, that has at its core, well-defined clarity, pertaining to the outstanding effectiveness of a TGM-BIA™ fusion program of instruction.
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